Jack Johnson #1: Tale of Two Rings

Jack was lost in thought studying the contents of a burgundy velvet box when Pete ushered in a regal-looking, old woman trailing an oxygen tank behind her. Her short white hair had the classic perm that older women tend to crave, and her ridged yellow fingernails were done in a yellowed French manicure. A wave of curiosity hit Jack and he wondered what the ring looked like as he stood up to greet her.

The presidential wood desk dwarfed him. He came to five foot four and would look really young for thirty if it wasn't for his impressive lumber-sexual beard. Like Pete, who stood a mere five-two with not even peach fuzz to speak of. Everyone assumed that Jack was the older brother, but Pete was almost five years his senior. Jack didn't look old enough to be running a private investigation firm. Hell, he didn't feel old enough to run the firm. But this was his sixth year in the business and by any standard, he was seasoned.

"Hello Ma'am. What can I do for you?" he asked, extending his hand over his desk. She shook it and then used his strength to slowly ease herself down. Her grasp was surprisingly strong, and Jack settled in to see what else might surprise him. He sat down and moved his pen and legal pad around the desk.

"Yes, I called in this morning. I'm Mrs. Cummings. I had a ring go missing two months ago, and Officer McPhearson recommended I see you."

Of course. No wonder he was eager to bring the file by today.

"I see." Jack briefly wondered what other cases Kevin and his department might have laying around for him to tackle next. But, in order for there to be a next, they'd need to get to the bottom of this one. "Where did you have it last?" Before the question was out of his mouth, he realized how ridiculous it was. How was this woman going to remember back two months ago? She probably could not even remember what she had for breakfast yesterday. Unless it was the same thing she had eaten this morning, like all other aged members of society who can no longer differentiate between flavors. What a pity. You start out eating what your mom puts in front of you, then what your doctor dictates, and when you finally get old enough to not care that what you are eating is unhealthy, you can no longer taste it. Well, c'est la vie.

Her raspy voice pulled Jack out of his thoughts. "I have a small glass box on my nightstand that I use as a jewelry box. The ring was in there when I went to bed, but when I woke up it was gone." She wiped her nose with a Kleenex that she had been clutching in her worn and spotted hand since Pete had shown her in.

"And you didn't hear anyone else come in?" Jack couldn't see a hearing aid, but that didn't mean she wasn't deaf.

Mrs. Cummings shook her head emphatically. "No, but I've always been a sound sleeper, and my oxygen makes a bit of noise."

A bit? It was pounding his brain to mush. Well, it was either the oxygen or the lack of alcohol today. What a life, to be so dependent on something so much to keep you alive and functioning, thought Jack. Her oxygen was almost like an addiction, Was that really living? Good thing I can breathe fine, Jack thought as he puffed his cigar.

"Hmm. So, you put it in your box on your nightstand, slept, and woke up and it was gone? Do you mind if I come over this afternoon and take a look around? It might help me to see the original crime scene, even two months out." He probably wouldn't be able to garner any more clues than the case file held, but he hadn't seen the case file yet and had nothing to lose. Besides, she wasn't exactly giving out much to go by.

Her head shook, but at this point, Jack wasn't sure if she was in control of it anymore. If he had to guess her age, he'd put her in the upper eighties, perhaps low nineties. But then again, she had driven herself here. "I don't mind at all. I have an appointment at two, but should be home again by four." She dug around in her Mary Poppins bag. He wondered how much she could fit in there, and what she carried around. "If you are busy and need to come by early, you can just let yourself in." She slid the key across his desk and scribbled on a piece of paper with a shaky hand. Handing it to him, she said, "There is an alarm, but if you punch this code in right away, it won't go off."

Jack smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Cummings." Jack glanced at the paper before slipping it and the key into his jacket pocket. "Pete will show you out." Jack pressed the buzzer that Pete had installed on the underside of his desk. Within seconds Pete was opening the door.

Mrs. Cummings didn't seem startled by Pete's sudden reappearance. No doubt she had visited someone who used similar means to summon servants. Perhaps she employed the same means with her own service staff. Jack was sure she had hired help at some point in her life. "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Thank you."

She left the office visibly relieved, toddling after Pete. Jack went back to studying the ring in the velvet box, sighed, and put it away in the top drawer. Out of sight, out of mind. It was safer that way, being able to control memories. Of course, there was always the unpredictable, spontaneity of a memory, but now they were few and far between. He looked up to see Pete in the doorway.

"Dude, when are you going to get rid of that? It's been five years now. Ophelia isn't coming back and you haven't made any progress in that direction."

Jack could see the concern etched into Pete's face. Of all people, Pete should understand. He knew what this kind of pain feels like. When Jack didn't say anything, Pete continued.

"You should let me hook you up with someone. I can make a pretty dope tinder account for you," he nudged Jack and laughed. "But seriously, dude. Why do you even keep that around?"

"As a reminder." Jack stood up and put on his fedora on when Kevin let himself into the office.


Jack Johnson #1: Kevin McPherson


Jack Johnson #1: Market Trends